Need website hosting for your business? Here are 6 great choices.
Going through website hosting platforms takes lots of time and thoughts to decide as to which platform is going to be the best one as far as running a business in a smooth manner is concerned. Lots of web hosting platforms are available on the Internet and making the choice among them is definitely going to be a difficult task. Estnoc provides VPS Web Hosting Services in more than 40 countries.
If the website for a particular business does not exist, the business is not recognized on the Internet and therefore it becomes very important for the business to go through a particular website with good hosting which can give a smooth running and without any kind of interruption.
Interruption can surely create problems for the users and they won’t be able to visit the website again and again. If you’re looking for VPS Web Hosting Services in Norway, you can definitely contact the platform of Estnoc.
Six great choices for website hosting
1) EstNoc
EstNOC is an Estonian hosting services provider that offers VPS (Virtual Private Server), dedicated, and cloud hosting services in 40 countries along with colocation data center services. VPS web hosting services in Norway start at as low as 5€/mo and go till 42€/mo that can be chosen based on the specific web hosting requirements. They are the best and should be chosen as they are the only certified and secure data centers available in more than 30 locations offering KVM virtualization, 24*7 monitoring, and 24/7/365 technical support. They deliver VPS hosting services in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Contact them today for more queries and information!
2) HostGator
This particular website hosting platform is definitely a cheap option but it is also very much effective. It is ideal for a small business that has big plans and this particular web hosting platform is surely going to cost according to the type of plan that the businesses try to take.
As far as the hatchling plan is concerned, it’s going to cost 2.08 dollars per month. Well, there is a plan by the name of the ‘baby plan’ and it will cost 2.98 dollars per month and a business plan will cost 4.48 dollars per month.
As far as the good thing about this particular platform is concerned, it has everything that a small business requires and it’s definitely going to be cheap end site builder is also included in the plan. When it comes to the negative points, if you want to run your business very smoothly, you will have to commit to a three-year plan that’s going to give you the best deal and when it comes to having backups, for that, you will have to pay extra cost.
As far as the bottom line to go through this particular hosting platform is concerned, it is definitely going to be good for small business needs and when it comes to the domain name and security features, all these things are available with this platform.
3) Bluehost
Those businesses who want to use a particular website in a simple way, they can go ahead with the platform of Bluehost as this particular platform is definitely simple to use and they will also be able to get comprehensive support. If there is a novice website owner, he can do it with Bluehost and different types of plans are available for a new business.
There is a shared plan with a cost of 2.95 dollars per month. While other two plans are the VPS plan with cost of 18.99 dollars per month and the dedicated plan with 79.99 dollars per month. As far as the good things about Bluehost are concerned, WordPress definitely recommends Bluehost because of its speedy performance, and for those who are beginners in the field of websites, this particular website hosting platform is definitely going to be ideal for them.
As far as the bad things about this particular platform are concerned, there is no guaranteed uptime and there is no any offer related to unlimited storage as far as the basic plan of this particular platform is concerned. The bottom line that needs to be understood about this particular hosting plan is it is definitely suited to WordPress installs and running a small business site. Bluehost definitely provides all the necessary features.
4) Liquidweb
Those who are high-end small businesses can go ahead with the liquid web as they can fulfill their ambitious needs and when it comes to the advanced bunch, the liquid web is definitely the most suitable platform. There are different types of plans that the users can go through and there are no less than five plans that liquid web offers to the users.
There is a cloud VPS plan and it is going to cost $59 per month. The cloud site plan will cost $150 per month while the cloud dedicated plan will cost $169 per month. The other two plans include a dedicated server and a private VPS plan with the cost of $199 and $329 per month respectively.
As far as the positive things about this particular platform are concerned, businesses can get lots of options for growing businesses and this platform is definitely great for customer service and 100% uptime guarantee is available. The negative point is limited to the sharing of hosting plans as it’s not available and many businesses find it over the top.
If you’re looking for Virtual Private Server hosting, you can definitely contact the platform of Estnoc.
5) WP Engine
If your company needs a fast and secure website hosting platform then you can go ahead with the WP engine as it has the feature to offer useful backups and it has different plans for different types of users. As far as the startup plan is concerned, it’s going to cost $30 per month while the growth plan will cost $115 per month and there is a third and the last plan which is a scale plan and it will cost $290 per month. As far as the positive things of this particular platform are concerned, you will be able to get great uptime and you’ll also have the option of getting daily backups. When it comes to fast-loading, it is available with this particular platform. The bad things about this platform include the absence of an e-mail ID and there will be no domain name with this particular platform.
6) Hostinger
If you have a website and you want a plan of a particular website hosting platform that is going to be simple to set up and at the same time it's also very cheap, hostinger is the platform you need to go through. Different types of businesses have started using hostinger as they believe that they will be able to afford the prices of hosting very well. Three different plans have been given by the hostinger for the users and those three plans include single shared hosting with the cost of 0.99 dollars per month, premium shared listing with a cost of 2.89 dollars per month and the third one is business shared hosting with a cost of 3.99 dollars per month. As far as the positive things with the hostinger platform are concerned, it is very cheap and it will definitely be easy for beginners if you want tech support, you’ll be able to get it 24/7. The negative points include you’ll see the price high after the first year and you will not be able to get a free domain with the starter package.
If you want to have VPS Web Hosting Services in Norway, you can go ahead with the platform as it will be able to help you in the process. Different types of hosting platforms are available on the internet but businesses need to go through those hosting platforms which can give them the best benefits and they can also feel comfortable with those platforms by using them.
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