There's a lot of advice on how to pick a web hosting service or cloud provider out there. What about colocation businesses, though? When comparing one colocation to another, what things should you take into account?
Choosing your next colocation provider, whether you are new to colocation or have been doing it for years, is both thrilling and worrisome. A colocation provider is more than simply another vendor in your business solution; it's a strategic partner for your key infrastructure requirements. The appropriate colocation provider may help you expand your data center infrastructure footprint and network, but the incorrect one might hinder you from realizing your full potential and, worse, significantly influence application availability and performance.
You'll need to understand your objectives and goals, as well as be able to correctly analyze possible partners, to select the best-fit option for your business. Don't know where to begin? Consider the following thoughts and questions to get you started.
Criteria to Consider Colocation Provider
Prior to beginning your search for a colocation provider, consider your requirements. While making your decision consider the following factors:
Factors of Data Center
Even though you are not an IT person, when choosing a colocation service provider for your business you need to consider certain important factors for your equipment and critical data. The most important aspects of hosting your information are redundancy, physical security, and connectivity. Consider human presence in access techniques, surveillance, and on-site security when it comes to physical security. Consider temperature controls, fire suppression systems, and power generators while maintaining the real building and equipment. If you're worried about being "green," make sure the data center is coal-free and, if possible, uses outside air to cool it.
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When looking for a colocation supplier, ensure they can handle your expansion. In other words, search for a provider who can supply you with flexible bandwidth alternatives that will allow your business to develop without costing you a fortune. As your site grows in popularity, you will require more bandwidth. Similarly, if your business grows, your server will want more room. Colocation provides for increased bandwidth and server storage. Consider a colocation supplier that is simple to upgrade and has plenty of opportunities to expand alongside your company.
Strategic Objectives
Is a strategic colocation partner needed to assist me with power, connect, and cool equipment for a crucial business process/revenue generator, a project in the works, or anything in between? This is crucial for comprehending the following decision point.
When it comes to colocation, uptime is always crucial. Is this a test system that I don't care about or a revenue source that would lose money if it goes down? It's critical to calculate the costs of downtime per second, minute, hour, day, and so on with any revenue-generating system. This is when the importance of your strategic colocation partnership comes into play.
Is your colocation data center facility ready to help you flourish by providing exceptional uptime, support, and advice? Have they inquired about your criteria for availability? What are the provider's service level agreements (SLAs), and will they assist you in recouping your costs if your colocation partner causes an outage?
Potential of Growth
Is your colocation partner capable of accommodating your anticipated or unexpected growth in a timely manner? Nothing is more frustrating than launching a new application without anticipating significant growth and discovering that your colocation provider is unable to meet your needs. Although this is what some refer to as a "nice problem to have," it is nonetheless a problem. If you can't get extra power, cooling, or room soon enough, you can wind up with a very unhappy customer.
Understand Your Market
The importance of the market/location cannot be overstated. Pricing for electricity and cooling may be competitive, but you may find yourself in a market with poor interconnectivity, a lack of diversity among connection providers, or a lack of third-party vendors in your vertical. With sophisticated networking options, your cooling and electricity savings are now gone.
Your user base values geographic marketplaces as well. One of the greatest methods to create a nice application experience is to link your end-user to your product with low latency. As a result, selecting a colocation provider that can give you more than just power, cooling, and space, but also low latency and excellent connection choices, is a significant benefit.
Design Flexibility in Colocation
Flexibility in colocation design is critical for your individual solution. Your solution may necessitate caged surroundings with a variety of security features such as cameras, biometric locks, privacy screening, slab-to-slap cage walls, toppers, and a variety of other power/cooling and cabling choices to match your specific requirements. This is where finding the correct colocation partner is crucial.
Prerequisites for security
A decision point that satisfies your requirements should be at the top of your list. Is your colocation data center infrastructure partner compliant with PCI and SOC2 standards? What additional regulations would you need your partner to adhere to? What certifications does your colocation partner keep up to date?
Spend Portability and Cloud Options
Some of your application stacks are probably already in the cloud or would benefit from being in the cloud, bare metal, or a fully managed private cloud. Is bare metal, cloud, and connection to cloud providers available from your colocation provider? Is your present colocation supplier offering a spend portability program if you decide to switch to one of these solutions? It's priceless to be able to switch to a different solution quickly and affordably to suit changing infrastructure demands.
24/7 Technical Support
Reliability and uptime are the major reasons why people opt for colocation data center services. To ensure that the website receives the maximum amount of uptime, make sure the provider has IT staff available 24/7 for required technical support. 24/7 technical support ensures that you can be sure to receive a response if anything goes wrong or you will get technical support whenever required. This should not be overlooked when looking for a suitable colocation provider.
EstNOC is an Estonian-based web hosting service including VPS, dedicated, and cloud hosting, and colocation data center services provider providing their services to 40 countries. They also provide 24/7 technical support with ease to use and automated backups. Contact them today for any kind of queries, information, and services!
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