Every business wants to have a competitive edge over all its competitors. To gain this kind of advantage online you need a reliable web hosting provider coupled with the best hosting solution. Buying a dedicated server is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to do so. When you select a dedicated server you have control over your assets, with the ability to manage your resources and do configurations more efficiently. This means installing applications and selecting the hardware you want for your server. Positive dedicated server impacts are not limited to just hosting websites. You can use it for data storing, as an email server, and much more.
A dedicated web server refers to a physical server provided by a hosting company, which is rented to one business for their exclusive use. A cloud-based server, on the other hand, is accessed remotely from a cloud service provider. Choosing this type of server means renting virtual server space rather than a physical server.
If you’re still confused about which to choose, read on for five reasons why a dedicated server might be the best choice for your business
Better performance
A dedicated server provides an exclusive, isolated platform with no contention for resources, this means that your a dedicated server will perform faster and more efficiently than a cloud-based option, which is not exclusive; a cloud-based provider’s resources are shared between all of its users.
Bear in mind that the majority of cloud-based servers are designed to offer you more storage rather than more efficient storage. So if it’s a high-performing solution you’re after, a dedicated server is what you should choose.
Better value for money
Dedicated web servers are the most cost-effective option – and value for money, of course, is an important factor in any business decision. While it may appear to be more expensive than a cloud-based server, a dedicated server offers a much higher amount of resources, and the price is highly reasonable once you realise the true value offered by this type of solution.
Ability to purchase specific server hardware
With a dedicated web server, you are free to choose your own specifications. You can select exactly what sort of hardware you want according to the particular requirements of your website and its content and traffic. It also means that if your website hosting needs expand in the future, you’re able to upgrade your hardware to something that can handle your growing traffic.
Easily customizable
There’s a lot of flexibility in what you can do with a dedicated web server. It’s a customizable solution, which is what you want as a growing, changing business.
For example, your dedicated server can be used to deploy custom virtualization platforms and foster virtual machines and networks. This means your business has the ability to create separate virtual machines, each of which is able to run its own individual software environment. This is just one of the ways in which you can customize your dedicated hosting service to better suit your business’ needs.
Compliance and security benefits
As we’ve discussed above, a dedicated server is a single-tenant solution, not a shared solution like a cloud-based server. If your business places high importance on compliance and security (and it should), a dedicated server is the only choice for you.
The exclusive nature of a dedicated server ensures that your sensitive website data is confined to a single server. There’s much less risk of infiltration, interception or data loss than there is with a cloud-based server, which means peace of mind when it comes to the security of your business’ online presence.
A dedicated server impacts online businesses positively, especially those seeking to grow and attract organic traffic to their websites. To keep visitors coming back, a website needs to load quickly, be engaging, and not cluttered. But most of all when it comes on to performance, your website has to be online. Having a 99.9% uptime is great for business. It says you are open and ready to serve. Huge organizations and smart businesses are aware that only excellent performance for the best web hosting provider can deliver these positive results. With a dedicated server, you are able to do all of these and watch your business flourish.
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